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Ready for the biggest transformation and 


You are at a point in your life where you just don´t know how to continue?

We live in challenging times with a lot of insecurities and massive changes happening. That can be very upsetting and maybe it leaves you with the feeling of being lost and directionless. 

All the collective energies at the moment are only helping us though to step out of whats no longer serving and tuning in with what we really came here to do; Not only professionally speaking but in all areas of life. 

And guess what; you already hold all the wisdom and potential within you, that you need in order to make your right and correct decisions, walk your right path and step into your purpose. Most of the time we are not able to see it ourselves though and some guidance is needed to see, accept and love ourselves. 

And I would love to help you on that process! Having helped more than 1000 clients already to go through a process of deep transformation, with the knowledge of Human Design, Numerology, Astrology, Tarot and my Intuition. I am using allmof these systems to see your energy-body and give you a very detailed analysis of your physical, mental and emotional body. After already one reading you will start to understand yourself and how you interact best with the world and others. By going deeper with advanced readings, you find actionable steps and guidance that help you apply the knowledge with ease into your life. I also offer online courses and work as a hypnosis, reiki and sound bath practitioner. 

You can finally stop trying to be someone you´re not and let your authentic light shine. 

Being yourself will help you attract all the right things to you, so you can live your bestlife! 

Are you ready to go on the most beautiful journey of your life and meeting the real you? 




I am a 6/3 Sacral Generator in Human Design on the left angle cross of cycles

and an 11 life path and destiny number in numerology. 

It is my deepest calling to help people grow and transform to find more purpose and meaning in their life and relationships. My energy helps to end old cycles and sparks new beginnings. 

If you are in a phase of change and transformation, let me help you on the way to master the transition with more ease.

Love yourself



I´m here to help you in phases of transformation, uncertainty and confusion to gain your clarity back again and make your right and correct decisions. 

No matter if you are looking for guidance in the professional, personal or relationship sector of your life, we can find your right answers together. 

My coaching tools include Human Design,Astrology, Numerology, Tarot and Intuitive Guidance.  You can also choose to get Human Design Reading on itself to understand more about your energy energy and how to navigate it better.

90 Minutes 155€

60 Minutes 111€


Gift Voucher



Imagine a space designed for your ideal physical, mental, and emotional well-being, free from judgment and expectations. Here, you can reconnect with your true self, feeling seen, accepted, and loved through the wisdom of the Human Design System.

Human Design is a tool that helps you understand your unique energy blueprint and make decisions aligned with your authentic self. During the retreat, we'll use Human Design to tailor your individualized experience for true alignment.

Over six days and five nights, you’ll experience a mix of offerings, including Human Design teachings, sound baths, hypnosis, reiki, massage, movement, and dance in beautiful Har en Mar Retreat Space on Ibiza.  You’ll also have free time to relax or explore the island, allowing you to create your own retreat journey.




I am a certified hypnosis coach, reiki and soundbath practitioner and ​offer group sessions with all of these modalities combined

Currently teaching: 

MONDAYS: Sha La Studios

TUESDAYS: Ōhia Studio




My team and I created the free Human Design App HALO so you can check all the basics of your energy blueprint. If you´d like to support our work and help us improve all information and include more features, please feel free to donate:



Go over to YouTube can check out my content on Human Design, Numerology and Personal Development.

download my free HALO Human Design App

Together with my incredible team we have created a free app that explains to you to the basics of Human Design as a starter point for understanding yourself.

I have done already more than 1000 readings with clients and I am moved by the amazing feedback every time. Here just a short snippet of what clients say about my work. 


5/1 Emotional MG

From booking only a beginners reading, I already came to 4 more sessions with Leandra. She is such an expert on the theme of Human Design. The information and wisdom I got out from my sessions, were groundbreaking and transformative for me and I don´t want to miss her coaching anymore.  


3/5 Ego Manifestor

I already took 5 readings with Leandra plus all workshops. I am so enthusiastic about it, because it just improved my life on so many levels and I came to understand my self so much more. Leandra does the readings with so much passion and dedication, that it impacts me every time. 


5/2 Splenic Projector

I already had 3 readings with Leandra and through that, became such a fan of Human Design. She has the special skill of explaining the themes in a very approachable way. Her positive energy and passion for Human Design is also infectious and I always feel so motivated and inspired after  the sessions. Her work is so transforming, healing and therapeutic. 


4/6 Sacral Generator

I "randomly" discovered Leandra while searching for a podcast on Human Design in August 2022.  Since then, I've had three readings, each one getting into more detail.  Leandra has a calm, gentle energy and is able to clearly explain all the various elements in a Human Design chart with clarity and simplicity.  I recommend her to everyone I know!


2/4 Emotional Manifestor

The session with Leandra brought so many insights and was very thought provoking. It helped me so much to see through my process and my transformation. Thank you so much!


1/3 Emotional Projector

I came across Leandra through a recommendation by a friend. I have taken three readings and what can I say- absolutely everyone should be informed about their personal human design, regardless if you are looking for clarity and guidance in your life. And it goes without saying that I highly recommend Leandra. She is very knowledgeable and always finds answers to my questions. I like her powerful aura and presence during the sessions. A thousand thanks again Leandra! 


Over the course of six days and five nights, you’ll enjoy a blend of tailored offerings: from Human Design teachings to sound baths, hypnosis, reiki, massage, movement, dance, and more. These experiences are designed to help you recharge, heal, learn, and grow. You’ll also have some free time to relax or explore Ibiza’s beautiful beaches, nature walks, local markets, and culture. The choice is yours to create a journey that best suits your current needs. 


Everything at the retreat is optional. You have the freedom to choose which activities you’d like to engage in, and when you need time for stillness or relaxation. This is your experience, and it’s about honoring your own pace and energies. 

example schedule

7:30-8:30      breakfast 

8:30-9:30      journaling / stretch / meditation 

9:30-11:00    human design session 

11-11:30       break / snacks 

11:30-13.      exchange circle 

13-14            lunch 

14-17            free time 

17-18:30       sound / writing / massage 

19-20            dinner 

Evenings:     dance / sauna / singing / campfire / hypnosis


3 Early bird until 15.04                       1350€

3 Regular price until 15.05                1450€

4 Last sales until 20.05                        1550€

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